Reasons for Starting a Home Garden

sarah2Home gardening has been increasing in popularity nowadays. More and more people are becoming interested on how to grow their own flower or vegetable garden right at home for various reasons. And more often than not, gardening starts out as a hobby which may then flourish into a full blown flower or vegetable garden or a mix of both.  There are many sources out there for you to expand your knowledge about gardening, including a very useful site

Listed below are some of the compelling reasons why it’s a great idea to have a home garden, and why you should start considering making one at your home too.

  1. Rising prices of vegetables


It’s common knowledge that prices of commodities are increasing every year and that is what we call inflation. Your $100 dollars now will not be able to buy the same quantity or quality of groceries next year. And as your family grows, you need more money to provide for them and that includes buying vegetables and fruits for them to grow healthy and strong. So one of the best things you can do to counter this problem is to build your own home garden. With your own produce, you will save a significant amount of money on your vegetable needs. The money that you save can then be set aside instead for other use.



  1. Aesthetics


Having a garden at home, either flower or vegetables, increases the beauty of our surroundings and helps us to be more relaxed every time we sit and just enjoy the beauty and bounty of your surroundings. At this day and age where everything seems to be black and white, a garden provides you with a much needed escape from the hustle and bustle of a city life. Even with just a few pots of greens and flora in your patio or apartment balcony, your day would seem to brighten up a bit with the cooling effect of these natural plants. And for those with larger lawns and sprawling hills, you are luckier as you can smell fresh green grass everyday and the concept of going home everyday to a lush beautiful garden of flowers will surely make you hurry to finish off that report and start smelling those roses.


  1. To avoid too much pesticide


Commercially grown vegetables are not far from being sprayed with too much pesticides just to keep away the pests and make the vegetables look good. I’m not saying we should not use pesticides anymore, as they are indeed an important part in gardening, but that as end consumers we do not really know how much of these chemicals come in contact with the food that we eat. And as such, we are at risk of developing diseases that might result from excessive levels of pesticides.

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